Golf can be expensive. Between clubs, membership fees and courses memberships and ball replacement costs a quality glove may help lower those costs and allow more savings for other gear or rounds!

Selecting the ideal gloves is key to getting the most out of your game. Here are some considerations when shopping for gloves:

Choosing the Right Gloves

Golf gloves are essential components of your equipment, providing you with a secure grip on the club and helping prevent calluses or blisters. Furthermore, they protect hands from an impact from hitting a shot.

Most golf gloves are comprised of both leather and synthetic materials. Premium leather gloves offer great feel and grip but tend to wear faster than synthetic alternatives. Some gloves feature micro perforations for improved breathability; others may even be tailored specifically for wet weather play.

Proper fit is key when choosing a great glove, as any tightness could hinder your swing. Many glove manufacturers provide cadet sizes which feature shorter fingers and wider palm areas to accommodate people with smaller hands. When tightening or loosening the Velcro closure tabs across your wrists, leave about 1/4″ exposed so you can tighten or loosen them as necessary.


Grip is an essential factor of golf as it allows you to grasp your club with confidence and stability, which is why wearing gloves is advised; they provide extra tackier surface area than your palm for easier gripping and may help prevent slippage or movement that might result in an errant shot.

Ideal gloves should fit like second skin with no extra material across your palm or fingers; additionally, they should fit comfortably without being too tight or loose.

Professional golfers tend to remove their gloves before putting, which gives them a better sense of the club and ball. But this decision ultimately rests with each individual and is often determined by personal preferences. Titleist Players Glove is often worn by many of the world’s top players as its premium feel allows for superior feel of Cabretta leather construction.


Golf gloves won’t necessarily improve your game, but they can certainly help prevent blisters and maintain control of the club during swing. From luxurious leather Tour player models to more robust offerings – finding one that feels right should fit like second skin in your hand and feel comfortable is key for optimal golf glove wearers.

Professional golfers frequently take off their glove when putting in order to better gauge the feedback from their shots. No matter your preference, however, it is imperative that the grips on your clubs are in perfect condition before each shot.

Titleist has designed this glove with longevity in mind, featuring satin reinforcements on the cuff and thumb that won’t compromise your grip, plus super thin Cabretta leather for unparalleled comfort and feel. View at Global Golf – U.S.


An important piece of golf equipment is a high-quality glove. Your hands remain in contact with the club throughout your swing, so ensuring they are supported and comfortable is of vital importance to ensure proper play.

Leather models tend to offer a luxurious soft feel and can feel almost like second skin, while synthetic models may offer greater durability in wetter weather conditions. Before purchasing, however, it’s recommended that you try on each pair prior to making a final decision.

Right-handed golfers tend to wear gloves on their lead hand during swinging. Barehanded players may still benefit from wearing one; especially if their hands sweat excessively or become rough from use. A glove will reduce pressure applied by holding onto the club, providing protection from blisters or calluses as well as blisters or calluses that might develop over time. Cadet size gloves may also help young golfers learn the correct fit of golf gloves.