If you plan on camping in the wilderness, it is essential that you bring along some survival tools. Shelter, water and food should all be considered necessities; additionally a first aid kit and personal locator beacon can provide essential safety. A personal locator beacon also works without phone signal and allows you to broadcast your location.
A survival backpack
An emergency survival backpack is an invaluable asset in an emergency, providing water, food, medical equipment, navigation tools and other survival necessities to you in an instant. When selecting and organizing supplies it is wise to remember the Rule of Threes when selecting and organizing supplies.
Include a radio in your survival pack so that you remain up-to-date. This can prove especially helpful if you find yourself outdoors for extended periods.
A tarp
Tarps offer numerous advantages to campers. First and foremost, they’re lighter than tents, making them great for backpackers. Look for one made with durable material such as nylon ripstop or canvas that features waterproof coatings and mildew-resistant treatments to make life easier while camping.
To set up a tarp, locate two trees that are the appropriate distance apart on level ground, coil the rope around one limb of each and secure with a prussik knot.
A rescue mirror
Rescue mirrors are essential survival gear. By reflecting sunlight back onto their target location, these rescue mirrors can alert planes, helicopters and search and rescue teams of their presence and location.
Easy and battery-free, it provides excellent results when used effectively. Plus, its reflective surface attracts far more attention than chemical lights or battery-powered strobes can. Constructed from durable Lexan material and weighing under an ounce, this mirror includes an aimed hole as well as instructions.
A headlamp
Headlamps allow users to better see in low light conditions, and are an invaluable asset when camping or serving as emergency beacons.
This durable headlamp was built for rugged adventures. With an intuitive user interface that works even in freezing temperatures and its powerful illumination and extended burn time capabilities, this lamp makes an excellent companion on outdoor adventures such as backpacking or mountaineering. Plus, at just 2.6 ounces it represents great value!
Paracord and duct tape
Paracord, the non-sticky cousin of duct tape, has become an indispensable essential for backpackers and campers. Also referred to as 550 cord, paracord is an emergency rope constructed with gutted nylon sheath with kernmantle construction–an outer sheath over multiple core lines.
Hunt with it and use it to trap game, create simple tripwires for security in camp or simply tape a piece to the lid of a bottle or can to keep curious animals at bay from food sources.
A whistle
A whistle is an essential tool for emergency communication in the outdoors. Small, compact, and lightweight – making it simple to stash in your pack or attach to gear – making this handy item essential in times of trouble.
Whistles can also help send out an SOS signal recognized by rescue organisations worldwide and quickly attract attention in an emergency situation, providing quick rescue.
A survival compass
Survival compasses are indispensable tools for camping, hiking and scouting activities. Not only are they rugged but their fluorescent dial is helpful even in low light conditions; plus their compact size means it fits easily into packs without adding unnecessary weight.
Since there are various kinds of compasses available, it is essential that you select one that fulfills your specific requirements in terms of durability, accuracy, and user friendliness. When making this selection, consider factors like durability, accuracy, and usability as possible.
A fire starter
No matter whether car camping or backpacking, having a fire starter on hand is essential to warmth and safety. These convenient devices can even work effectively under wet conditions!
You can easily create homemade fire starters by soaking cotton balls in rubbing alcohol or collecting dryer lint in an waterproof container. Alternatively, a spark kit with a ferro rod can also be purchased to produce hot sparks.
A water filter
Water filters can be an essential piece of camping survival gear, offering protection from harmful pathogens in backcountry waters as well as pollution such as herbicides and pesticides that runoff into these sources of drinking water.
CleverHiker Senior Gear Analyst Casey Handley relies on this filter during trail runs, and recommends it for backpackers looking for optimal durability. It connects directly to different bottles, comes equipped with an antibacterial cleaning syringe, hose, and bag system – and features direct connection for direct use!
A first aid kit
An essential camping accessory, a first aid kit can provide essential relief to common camping injuries like scrapes and abrasions.
While some kits trade quality for quantity, others take a more selective approach with their components. Kits such as Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight / Watertight and Surviveware Small boast high-grade components to withstand the rigors of backcountry backpacking.