Camping outdoors requires having quality gear, such as sleeping bags and tents of superior quality, backpacking stoves/cookware/first aid kits/hammocks/camp chairs – these should all be considered essential pieces. GO Outdoors, a UK-based…
If you’re in search of a heavy-duty camping cooler with superior insulation to keep food and drinks cold, RTIC offers this hard-sided cooler designed for campers, tailgaters and music festival-goers alike. It’s…
Waterproof jackets and other outdoor gear often rely on per- and polyfluorinated chemicals known as PFASs to repel moisture, and as you move around outdoors these chemicals migrate from your clothing into…
Bait and tackle are the cornerstones of fishing. Bait refers to any substances you use to lure fish, while tackle refers to equipment designed specifically to hook or attract the target fish…
There are various travel rods designed to fit easily in an overnight bag for last minute fishing trips to nearby waters. We review telescoping travel rods here that include reel, line and…
Fly fishing equipment can be overwhelming for beginners. Entering a shop filled with seemingly identical rods and staff wearing sunglasses reminiscent of their time fishing can make the whole endeavor seem intimidating…
Sunlight can be beneficial, but too much sun exposure can lead to sunburns and skin cancer. UV protection clothing helps shield you from these harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Fabrics designed to provide…
Women often feel misrepresented when it comes to hiking gear and apparel; they don’t fit the mold of slim, toned outdoor athletes that outdoor brands often present as idealized images of female…
Gloves help players maintain an adequate grip on the club while decreasing hand moisture, helping to ensure consistent grip pressure for an uninterrupted swing and better shots. They also reduce hand blisters.…
Hunters place great value in selecting boots that provide warmth and support when stalking game from horseback or traversing rugged terrain, whether by riding on horseback or walking miles through treacherous terrain.…