The newest edition of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ magazine is available today

MISSOULA, Mont. – The summer issue of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ quarterly magazine,  Backcountry Journal, is arriving in mailboxes across North America. Here are some of the highlights of an issue that explores several often-overlooked backcountry places and pastimes and looks at the great work BHA members are doing across North America in defense of our public lands, waters and wildlife.

Wilderness of Water: In the cover feature, BHA member Tyler Mann explores the Pacific Ocean wilderness via kayak in a quest for halibut and finds much in common with his backcountry elk hunting endeavors.

Tearing It Down: BHA Colorado Habitat Stewardship Coordinator Brittany Parker explores the wildlife problems posed by livestock fencing, along with new, more wildlife friendly alternatives to traditional fencing and how BHA’s Colorado chapter is working with state and federal agencies to remove abandoned fencing on public lands.

160 Acres: BHA Kansas Chapter Chair Kurt Ratzlaff looks at how state politics and obscure laws are preventing the acquisition of public land in a state with some of the least – and he addresses how BHA’s Kansas chapter is working to change that.

The Farm Bill and Public Lands Hunters and Anglers: BHA member Charlie Booher considers the importance of the Farm Bill to hunters and anglers – from access to habitat issues – in this highly educational column.

A Quest for Char: Travel to the far reaches of North America with Canadian BHA member Duane Radford as he searches for giant Arctic char on the fly.

And there’s more: Falconry, grizzly attacks, backcountry water purification, how to cook a mouth-watering walleye Reuben sandwich and loads more in this issue of Backcountry Journal.

Backcountry Journal is distributed to BHA members, elected officials and land management agencies. It also is available in a digital flipbook edition, available to members on the BHA website. Join BHA today to get your copy.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is the voice
for our wild public lands, waters and wildlife.

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