survival gear for camping

If you’re heading out into the wilds for camping, having the appropriate survival equipment can make all the difference between an exciting journey and disaster. A backpack should hold all your essential supplies.

Sleeping bag and emergency blanket are indispensable when camping in the backcountry, while adding a survival signal can help rescuers quickly locate you in times of emergency.


Shelter is one of the basic survival needs, along with food, water and air. Shelter provides protection from the elements as well as providing us a secure place to sleep at night without being exposed to insects or other potential dangers.

Survival sleeping bags are essential pieces of camping survival gear to stay warm at night in the wilderness. Available in various sizes and designs to fit comfortably into your survival backpack while offering vital warmth against frigid conditions.

Compasses and machetes are essential camping survival tools, providing crucial guidance should you become disoriented or lost. In addition, both can clear away brush while navigating safely through wilderness terrain.


If you find yourself lost in the wilderness, water purification tablets or kits should be part of your camping survival gear to ensure you can find and treat water sources.

Fire provides warmth, cooking power and light in survival situations – thus making fire starters essential camping tools. Flint striking sticks or one-handed firestarters such as those made by UST one are both excellent options to consider when picking out camping firestarters.

Waterproof bags are essential survival camping gear that will protect your belongings if they encounter creeks or torrential rainfall during your camping adventure. Furthermore, waterproof bags help prevent items from getting wet when your shelter becomes saturated with moisture.


Hiking, camping and exploring requires lots of energy – eating the appropriate food will help maintain your energy levels while camping. Be sure to bring long-lasting yet easy-to-prep emergency survival food supplies as this will keep you nourished in any emergency situations that arise while outdoors.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs emphasizes warmth and food as the top priorities in survival, so a survival blanket may come in handy when camping in cold environments.

Survival knives can help you make your way out of the wilderness, and this Gerber Gear survival knife is lightweight and compact with a straight blade for quick deployment in emergency situations. Use it to sharpen sticks, cut cordage or skin animals for food!


Camping with the appropriate survival gear will make your journey safer and more enjoyable, whether hiking up mountains or down beaches. Explore our selection of backpacks, tents and emergency shelters as well as fire starters, compasses and first aid kits – you won’t regret having it with you.

An effective survival knife is an indispensable component of any camping survival kit, serving to cut wood for fire-starting or skin animals for food. This Gerber gear survival knife features a compact design while boasting long enough blade to make an impactful statement about their resilience and effectiveness.

Protecting your survival gear is of utmost importance, which is why this waterproof poncho makes an excellent addition to any camping survival kit. Its hood keeps rain out of your eyes, while its versatile uses include ground cover or sleeping bag liner use.


Wilderness survival tools like whistles are essential when camping in remote regions, not only as an emergency signal but also to alert animals such as bears. A loud whistle can cut through ambient noise and travel long distances to alert animals like bears of potential trouble.

A tarp can be an indispensable addition to any camping survival kit. Its many uses range from offering shelter from harsh elements and grounding your tent to providing cooking surfaces and emergency insulation blankets.

Personal locator beacons are essential survival tools when camping in remote wilderness locations, providing your GPS coordinates in case of emergency rescue operations. Many also allow users to send more detailed messages than just SOS for improved communication during emergency scenarios.