If your giftee enjoys camping and wants to be prepared for any scenario, consider gifting survival gear. A survival backpack contains all of the basics such as two knives (one for cutting and another for starting fires), water containers and a compass – as well as any extra tools they may require like first aid kits or tools that might come in handy in an emergency situation.

This signal gadget meets Coast Guard distress signal requirements and can be powered by replaceable batteries, solar energy or hand crank. It lasts 60 hours and is visible for miles.


Shelter is one of the essentials of survival; it protects individuals from external elements while offering them refuge from extreme temperatures and rainfall. Shelter also allows families to eat together, sleep together and raise their children together in one space.

Survival camping requires a survival kit with tools suitable to your location and desired type of shelter, along with emergency supplies such as compass, maps and headlamp. Additionally, bring along a survival backpack as well as emergency supplies like compass maps and headlamps just in case!

Survival knives can also be extremely helpful as they allow users to cut rope, make notches in wood and kill wild animals. Furthermore, survival knives may save lives in dire survival situations by keeping you from drowning or falling into quicksand or by cutting through thick branches to form ladders for climbing out.


Water is one of the key items needed for survival in any situation, particularly if you find yourself outdoors for extended periods. A survival camping kit might include an emergency Bivy sack shelter for shelter and two methods to start fires as well as an adequate container and method to purify or cook it.

GearJunkie suggests using a water-resistant zip bag, like those from Surviveware, for storage of toilet paper, keeping food dry, organizing fire starters or packing out trash while collecting rainwater. They also recommend purchasing waterproof matches that are easier than traditional matches to light and burn longer.

Paracord (550 cord) should be an indispensable part of your survival kit. It can be used to craft fire starter bow drills, trappers’ snares and even tied around tent poles for shelter during an emergency situation.


As part of an expedition into the wilderness, it’s crucial that you make provision for four basic needs: shelter, water, food and fire.

Your primary need will be shelter from the elements, while fire provides warmth, light, and cooking capabilities for food preparation.

Water is essential to survival, and you must know how to access it. Jugs may work, but having an on-the-go filter or hydration pack could prove more efficient for purifying drinkable water on demand.

Survival foods provide high energy levels with long shelf lives, as well as being highly customizable to your wilderness adventure. A waterproof pouch like GearJunkie’s Ursack can keep your food and gear dry and organized.


If you’re going camping in an isolated location, having a survival flashlight or lantern on hand is essential for success. These lights come equipped with different functions you can alter depending on the circumstances; such as helping navigate rough terrain, providing wide cone of illumination for hiking in darkness or flashing signals of distress to alert others of your presence.

Your survival knife should also help cut rope, butcher a fish, or carve walking sticks. If weight is an issue for you, look into getting one with smaller dimensions such as an 8-inch blade.

An essential item on any survivalist’s checklist is a survival backpack, made of lightweight material with breathability and sweat-wicking properties. Don’t forget a water bottle and purification tablets in there too!


Paracord is an essential survival gear piece, serving as the Swiss Army knife of cordage. From tying down tents and creating makeshift snare traps to providing emergency aid during disaster situations, paracord can save your life!

However, keep in mind that not all commercial paracords are created equally – for optimal results it is recommended that you purchase milspec paracord (or its closest equivalent) that has been tested to handle heavy loads.

550 cord paracord is one of the most widely used paracord strands, boasting an impressive tensile strength of up to 550 pounds and often known as kernmantle cord due to its core and outer mantle of interwoven strands that can be removed when necessary for finer cordage work – making paracord an excellent choice for making survival bracelets or clothing ties when you need emergency supplies fast!