Washington D.C. (February 24, 2025) – The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (Association) applauds House introduction of the Sporting Goods Excise Tax Modernization Act (H.R. 1494), which would close a significant gap in the collection of taxes for the Wildlife Restoration and Sport Fish Restoration Trust Funds. The bipartisan legislation was introduced by Representatives Panetta (D-CA) and Moore (R-UT) to make online marketplaces accountable for collection of the excise tax on archery and angling equipment sold directly to consumers from outside of the U.S. by online vendors.
“We thank Representatives Moore and Panetta for their leadership to restore the integrity of our nation’s conservation investments,” said Riley Peck, Director of the Division of Wildlife Resources for the Utah Department of Natural Resources. “In Utah, we are fortunate to have almost 200 Wildlife Management Areas across more than 500,000 acres that our agency is entrusted to manage. Keeping those habitats healthy, accessible, and full of abundant fish and wildlife requires us to make every dollar count.”
Archery and sportfishing manufacturers proudly contribute tens of millions of dollars annually to the American System of Conservation Funding through the collection of excise taxes under the Wildlife Restoration and Sport Fish Restoration Programs, providing dedicated funding to state agencies for fish and wildlife conservation. But online sales from foreign companies avoid the traditional method of excise tax collection, placing an unrealistic administrative burden on the individual consumer.
“Continuing our legacy of conservation simply would not be possible without these excise taxes funding the work of state fish and wildlife agencies,” said Judith Camuso, Commissioner of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and President of the Association. “We owe it to our natural resources, our hunters and anglers, and industry partners to protect American businesses from being undercut by foreign manufacturers that do not pay the excise tax on sporting goods.”
The bill would follow through on the recent recommendations from the Government Accountability Office by making online marketplace facilitators accountable for the collection of excise taxes on these products. The Association urges unanimous passage of this legislation and also thanks original cosponsors for their support.
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies—the organization that represents North America’s fish and wildlife agencies—promotes sound resource management and conservation, and speaks on important fish and wildlife issues. Found on the web at www.fishwildlife.org, on Facebook/AssociationofFishandWildlifeAgencies and on Twitter @fishwildlife.
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